The HOLY SPIRIT is the revealer of secrets, He reveals the deep and secret things. The secrets of God will make gods out of ordinary, common men. John 14:26; John 16:12-13; Deuteronomy 29:29. There is a secret for your elevation. There is a secret of deliverance from death. There is a secret that will handle that harassment of Satan. There is a secret that will make you wealthy. There is a secret that will put you in charge of life’s affairs. Job 36:22. God is a master teacher. He only teaches secrets to those who are very serious. This is because secrets are valuable keys that can not be given to just anyone. Psalms 25:14, Mark 4:10-11 “…And He said to them, “To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to those who are outside, all things come in parables””, (v11).

Have secrets been revealed to you in your dreams? One of the mediums God reveals secrets is through dream and vision. Job 33:14-16; Numbers 12:5-8; Genesis 37:5-10; Matthew 1:20; Acts 2:17 (Joel 2:28); Daniel 1:17; Matthew 27:19; Acts 16:9-10, Habakkuk 2:2-3; Acts 9:10-11; Acts 10:3, 17; 2 Corinthians 12:1; God sometimes teaches secrets during the night. Important things are discussed at night. Destinies are determined at night. Genesis 20:3. God can teach you in your dreams what to do about: Marital or relationship distress, stubborn financial problems, Chronic lack of favor, witchcraft-engineered sickness, etc. Isaiah 50:4.

Activity: share Your Personal Experience on Dreams & Visions?


1. DANIEL: Opened door to divine elevation and promotion. Daniel 2:16-22, 27-28, 46-49

2. JACOB: Divine strategies for generational prosperity and blessings. Genesis 31:10-13. Jacob tapped into massive generational wealth through a divine idea or secret taught him in the dream. In Genesis 31, Laban thought that he had caged Jacob forever. He thought “Yeah, this will be my slave forever. He cannot go anywhere”. However, through divine secrets, all the wealth of Laban was supernaturally transferred to Jacob. Genesis 31:6-9.

3. BABY JESUS: Warning and deliverance from impending danger. Matthew 2:13-16, 19-21; 2Kings 6:12

4. ANANIAS & SAPPHIRA: Exposure of secret lies and evil conspiracies. Acts 5:1-14. They thought they had secrets and well concealed. They paid a terrible price when their secrets were revealed. The Holy Spirit revealed their actions to Peter. The bible said in Acts 5:3, “then Peter said “Ananias, how is it that Satan has filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land?””. Acts 5:4c says, “You have not lied to men but to God”

5. GEHAZI: Similarly, in 2Kings 5:1-27, after Naaman, captain of the king of Syria had been healed of leprosy by dipping himself seven times in River Jordan as directed by Prophet Elisha, he went with gifts to appreciate Elisha. Elisha did not accept the gifts. However, Gehazi, Elisha’s servant secretly went behind to receive gifts from Naaman. This action of Gehazi was revealed to Elisha by the Holy Spirit. When Elisha accosted Gehazi, he denied and leprosy was pronounced on him and his generation.

Note that the Holy Spirit will always reveal and bring to the open everything you do. When you think nobody is watching, the Holy Spirit is watching. Be mindful of what you do, especially in the presence of God.

Father, You are the revealer of secrets, please show me deep and secret things in Jesus name. Show me secrets to my breakthrough, promotion, elevation, healing. Show me what is responsible for my situation, problems I’m facing in Jesus name.

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