Restoration House Calgary

King Uzziah; Some Learning Points



From Verse 1

  • He was made king by kingmakers – he didn’t make himself king. His own type of king was crowned by the kingmakers and not by force. We need kingmakers in our lives. School authorities choose the school head boy and head girls, captains of football, basketball, hockey etc. It is indeed a favor from the Lord.  Let us pray that God will send king makers our way, even campaign managers.


  • He was only 16 when he was made a king which means that he made it early. Who makes a 16 year old boy king over a nation that was warring all through? It was the grace of God. Let our children stand up and let us pray that they will make it early, they will go to school early, they will graduate and start working early, they will marry without delays.


  • He was surely not a defiant. Sure he would have shown a great lot attributes and qualities of a king. Sure he was not an enemy of the cross just like Hophni and Phinehas, the two sons of Eli.


Give examples of any qualities he would have exhibited that would have made the people of Judah change their minds and not make him a king?

From verse 2 onwards

  • The first thing he did was that he built Eloth and restored it to Judah and after that, his father “slept with his fathers”. He did what his father could not do. Eloth obviously belonged to Judah and was taken and destroyed by the enemies. Our children will be greater than us and where we stopped will be their starting point.


  • He did not bring shame to the family. Through him the mother was known as the Jecoliah of Jerusalem which means “perfection or power of the Lord”. Let us pray that we will not bring shame to our families. Our children will not bring shame to our family. Through us, our families will be known for good in Jesus name.


  • He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He was taught by Zechariah who had understanding in the visions of God. He was teachable/trainable. He listened and obeyed his teachers. Some of us are not teachable, we know it all. Recall the case of Mayweather whose father was giving him all the secrets to the opponents, he obeyed and never lost a fight.

From verses 7 & 8

  • He did great exploits for the Lord – He walled off the enemies. The enemies even brought gifts to him so as to keep being at peace with him.

From verse 15

  • He was marvelously helped till he was strong. We all need help and favor from the Lord. Recall what happened in John 5; the man that was sick for 38 years and Mark 2. Brethren, the Bible tells us about a man that no man to take him to the water what the angel of the Lord troubles and the first to get to the water after the angel gets healed. The man had no one to help him but Jesus singled him out and helped him out of his infirmity.
    The bible also tells us in Mark 2 about a man in Capernaum whose friends helped him to see Jesus in order to receive his healing. They had to remove the roof and dropped him at the feet of Jesus and he was made whole. That is some help. Brethren, in both cases, both the man that couldn’t help himself and the one that got helpers were all healed. King Uzziah was marvelously helped. Let us open our mouths and call on the Lord to send helpers to us where we cannot help ourselves and where we have no man to help us, let Him send angelic help to us. Where we have people to help us, let them not rest until they have helped us out in Jesus name.

Part 2

  •  King Uzziah did not finish well 2Chron 26:16-21, he went to burn incense instead of the priests because of pride and he was struck with leprosy.

No no no no I will finish well and my wife and children will finish well. We will not be proud and offend the Lord as we succeed in life.

Was Uzziah the only young king in the Bible? 2Kings 22, the Bible told us about another young king named Josiah that finished well. We will finish well like Josiah.

  • When He died that the Prophet Isaiah saw the glory of the Lord, the veil was removed. Isaiah 6:1-8.

Other people that did not finish well; what did they have in common with Uzziah?

  1. King Saul – 1Sam 13:8-14 – Pride
  2. Ephraim – Gen 48:13-20, Hosea 4:17 – Idolatry


Activity: Mention any other character that did not finish well and anything they had in common with King Uzziah.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
July 2024
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