Christian Education
Christian Education Ministry At RCCG Restoration House Calgary, we are committed to the spiritual growth and development of

Technical Ministry
Technical Ministry The Technical Ministry at RCCG Restoration House Calgary serves as the backbone of the church’s technical

Visitation & Welfare Ministry
Visitation & Welfare Ministry The Visitation & Welfare Ministry at RCCG Restoration House Calgary is dedicated to demonstrating

Prayer Ministry
Prayer Ministry The Prayer Ministry at RCCG Restoration House Calgary serves as the spiritual backbone of the church,

Ushering & Protocol
Ushering & Protocol Ministry The Ushering & Protocol Ministry at RCCG Restoration House Calgary is dedicated to creating

Excellent Men
Men’s Ministry The Men’s Ministry at RCCG Restoration House Calgary is dedicated to addressing the unique needs and

Women’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry In today’s world, women face increasing demands, responsibilities, and expectations, whether at home, in the workplace,

Restoration Voices
Restoration Voices At RCCG Restoration House Calgary, worship is at the heart of our relationship with God. Through