INTRODUCTION: In a world consisting of millions upon millions of people how is it possible for God to differentiate good people from bad? How can He know those in Africa and at the same time those in America, Europe, India, China, the near and far East? What type of brain has He? Isaiah 40:28, answer these questions. But there are other q1uestions.


  1. How intimately does God know His own?

a) John 10:3 – He knows them by their individual names
b) John 1:48 – Even in the offices or farms
c) Nathum1:7 – Also in the time of trouble
What conclusions can we draw from I Corinthians .8:3, II Timothy 2:19-20. Does he know the sinners too? Amos 9:3, Zephaniah 1:12, Jeremiah 17:10.

  1. How can you know that He knows you and recognizes you as His own?
    I John 2:3-5, I John 3:14, I John 3:19, I John 4:13, I John 5:9, John 15:14. If we find it easy to obey His commandments and final pleasure in doing it then we can have the witness in us that He knows us as His own. Also, a deep love towards all His children is another determining factor.
  1. Who else knows the saints as special people of God? Acts 19:15, Acts 16:16-18. All evil spirits recognize saints for what they are.
  1. How do saints know themselves? How can you recognize a true child of God if you meet one? Ps. 119:63, Malachi 3:16, Acts 2:42, I John 1:17, Proverbs 17:17. All true children of God enjoy fellowshipping together and live a holy and blameless life.
  2. If I want to become a saint what must I do?
    What benefits are mine if I become someone who is recognized by God as His own? Psalms 34:18, Acts 17:27, Ps. 145:18, Ps.16:8, Genesis 25:24, Revelation 3:4. If you want to become a saint the first thing is to be truly sorry for your sins and humbly come to God for forgiveness. When you become accepted of Him there is hope of eternal life and eternal glory for you.

CONCLUSION: How glorious is it to walk with Jesus! How wonderful to be recognized as a friend by God Almighty when even the State Governor does not know you! Imagine the glory of one day dining with the King of kings and of Lord of Lords! And all it takes is to live a holy life! Is that too great a price to pay! Are you willing to pay the price? Talk to Him about it now.

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