Lesson Introduction – Governance is an act of administration: leading and exercising authority over a group of people. God has called us into a life of influence, control and dominion. Gen 1:28
Christians are to take charge and the issue of governance is no exception. As the light of the world, we are to dispel the darkness of unrighteousness, sycophancy, etc. Matt 5:15-16

Romans 13:1-6 transfers the following responsibilities to the governed.

The same scriptures confers the following responsibilities to those in government.

Let the government and the governed be guided.

Lesson Outlines

Lesson outline A – The view of God on governance

Activity – What are those services which government should provide for its citizenry to make it relevant to the people?

Lesson outline B – Why Christians should be involved in governance

Lesson outline C – Biblical examples of those who governed.


God wants His children involved in governance to fulfill His mandate and for the best of the governed. The Bible contains examples of God’s children who governed and left indelible footprints in the path of history. Citizenry too have their duties to provide for good governance. Therefore, governance involved the government and the governed.


God instituted governance; it is not a secular concept or people’s creation. Believers should therefore take their rightful place in deciding the destiny of their nations and turn the kingdom of this world to the kingdom of God which is God’s divine mandate for us.

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